From Trauma to Transformation

From Trauma to Transformation

Almost everyone who we have treated in our Mental Health Wellness Center and on retreats, events, etc. have not known that any help, other than learning coping techniques was available to them. It is 2024 and the cat is out of the bag. Shifting from From Trauma to Transformation is entirely possible and available to everyone. People are healing from all sorts of trauma, depression and anxiety in relatively short periods of time of 6-8 weeks. Today, anything is indeed possible! You starts with awareness, then explore acceptance and then take new, unfamiliar action that is beyond the confines of your personality. It ALL, always starts with trauma as you will hear here in this talk on trauma and the developing consequences from Mental Health, Depression and Addiction

The journey from Trauma to Transformation is a journey we all have to take in one form or another. The trauma, pain and fear we go through coming into this world necessitates the formulation of attitudes, traits and eventually the creation of a strong personality arises. People who struggle with depression, anxiety, addictions and all types of personality and mood disorders are starting to wake up to the notion that change and growth are both imminent and necessary. An awakening is necessary. It is on the cards for all of us, some sooner rather than later.

“Traumatized people chronically feel unsafe inside their bodies: The past is alive in the form of gnawing interior discomfort. Their bodies are constantly bombarded by visceral warning signs, and, in an attempt to control these processes, they often become expert at ignoring their gut feelings and in numbing awareness of what is played out inside. They learn to hide from their selves.” (behind personality masks)”
― Bessel A. van der Kolk

There are certain things that we learned in childhood that became our ego defence mechanisms. We developed what we call ego insurgents to protect us from a harsh and ever-changing world. We developed a controller insurgent. We also developed a judge a victim and a perfectionist insurgent. In fact we developed 10 ego insurgents that kept us safe from the world by creating a personality that became a personal reality for us all. 

How to go From Trauma to Transformation

The answer on How to go From Trauma to Transformation is easy. Change everything! It sounds like a lot. Impossible even to some people at first. But no, it’s not only doable but it is necessary. It is like dying once while you are still alive. It it takes leaving your personality behind you. When you do this your sacred self emerges. I’ll personality is a mask that covers authentic and true self that can only emerge once we are ready. It can only be shown to us once we are able to face the enormity of what life is about and who we really are.

Personality formulation is something we do in the first half of life. We formulate I’ll personalities through our perceptions feelings attitudes and the events that we go through in our lives. These formulations which become our personalities keep us alive. That is the job of the personality. It keeps you alive and kicking long enough so that when you are ready the real you can emerge and take over. This is what many people call a spiritual awakening or being born again. It is a life transformation that we must all undergo.

From Trauma to Transformation

so yes life is difficult. But when we learn to transcend it and overcome it we emerge unscathed and free. I’ll so yes life is difficult. But when we learn to transcend it and overcome it we emerge unscathed and free. Our soul cannot be damaged. It is that inner part of us that is eternal and immortal. It is the part that goes on forever. Your personality and your trauma are not menat tio go on forever, but they must be overcome.

This is what Mark L Lockwood has taught people from all over the world in our spiritual healing and wellness centre. Mark and his team of doctors and psychologists began to notice that all the attendees of the retreats, events and wellness experiences they ran healed in short spaces of time from a variety of different ‘problems’. The funny thing is that most people had already ‘tried everything else’ according to their own experience. What we found is that when they left the story of who they thought they were behind them they healed and transformed. They did not cope or did not just find tools to make life more comfortable. Rather, they changed everything. They were born a new into a life where their trauma was dissolved and integrated into a part of the story of how they came to find their spiritual selves. No longer was the story of the past rooted in fear but rather rooted in love.

Trauma is the invisible force that shapes our lives. It shapes the way we live, the way we love and the way we make sense of the world. It is the root of our deepest wounds – Gabor Mate

They developed a powerful love for themselves that then turned in to a renewed love for other people, the world and God. That’s it! That’s the story of how we are all capable of changing everything. We have seen it far too many times, and recorded the research that repeated itself again and again that showed trauma and depression through to a disordered personality, addictions and everything else in between did not define who we are. They were a necessary part of our make-up, but they were parts of ourselves that we had to learn to transcend in order to be free. Your personality becomes your personal reality. That is, until you break the bonds of who you may have thought you were and find a spiritual solution within that heals through love, powerful love that dissolves fear, masks, disorder and everything else that doesn’t work. The truth really, really does set us free in the final analysis. Namaste.

From Trauma to Transformation

Published by Mark L Lockwood

Mark L Lockwood (BA)(Hons)(psy) teaches spiritual transformation and is the founder of Contemplative Intelligence. Author of The Power of Contemplative Intelligence, Autotherapy and Recovery Magic. Our work is about the science of finding your spiritual self.

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