Self Love and Mental health

Self Love and Mental health

Self harm is evident in the mind, and is especially noticeable on the body. We carry much of our trauma on the body. If people start to dislike themselves they body usually takes a big knock.

Obsession of any and every kind is self harm. Anger is self harm and most personality and mood disorders are manifested by thoughts that harm the self. Genetic predispositions aside, our thinking is a major part off who we are and how we act in the world. Learning to love yourself is essential if you want a good life, and happiness at the very least. Self Love and Mental health are not mutually exclusive.

As far as Self Love and Mental health go we all know on some level that it is important to love ourselves. But when people say that “all you have to do is love yourself,” it’s kind of like telling a child in kindergarten that he or she has to solve a college physics equation. Like that bewildered child, we have no idea where to begin. We are standing in a place where we don’t love ourselves and haven’t for some time. We simply have no idea where to start and where to go from here.

Self-love and depression don’t naturally go together because when you have depression, it’s hard to loveyourself. Being constantly bombarded with negative thoughts about how you’re not good enough or how you’ll never amount to anything doesn’t exactly help your self-esteem. You get inside your own head and tell yourself that you are not worthy of love.

You’re the True Love of Your Life

Pain cannot be healed by hating yourself; it can only ever be healed by loving yourself. Self-hate is like quicksand: When you struggle, it just causes you to sink deeper and deeper until you cannot breathe. But if you stop struggling, you can set yourself free. Self-love, then, is not a destination we need to struggle to get to, but rather a state of being that is available to us in each new moment. We simply need to let it in. Allow it.

Depression makes it difficult to practice self-love, particularly on the darkest of days. When a seemingly simple activity such as getting out of bed is overwhelming, it is hard to think about practicing self-love; however, by doing small things to show ourselves love, nourishing our minds and bodies can be done.

Each moment you take one step forward with self love is a brand-new moment, and you are a brand-new you. Be gentle with yourself. You are a precious piece of this world. This world could not be complete without you. You are priceless not because of what you do; you are priceless because you exist. You don’t know it yet, but with time you will come to know that you are, in fact, the love of your life. 

Self Love and Mental health

Practice self-love in ways that don’t overwhelm you. It can be done in small, simple ways that won’t seem too daunting for those of us with depression. I encourage you to find some easy ways to love yourself that make you feel nourished and better able to cope with your depression.

For more information about Self Love and Mental health call +27824424779 or email

Published by Mark L Lockwood

Mark L Lockwood (BA)(Hons)(psy) teaches spiritual transformation and is the founder of Contemplative Intelligence. Author of The Power of Contemplative Intelligence, Autotherapy and Recovery Magic. Our work is about the science of finding your spiritual self.

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