Feel your feelings to heal depression

Feel your feelings to heal depression

Using feelings to heal  

Feelings can be used appropriately or inappropriately. You can even Feel your feelings to heal depression. Feelings can be based on accurate or inaccurate information. They can lead to adaptive behaviour or maladaptive behaviour. It is important to know how you feel and what to do when you have a feeling. Feelings will help you to solve problems. Without using your feelings appropriately, you never will be able to solve problems well.

Yet, we try and numb these feelings, and problems inevitably occur. When you feel, you will be experiencing one or more of the eight primary feelings. Jealousy is feeling fearful, angry, and sad all at the same time. Each feeling needs to be addressed for full resolution of the problem. Being in touch with your feelings is like being in touch with a miracle working sage!

Feel your feelings to heal depression

If you feel confused, then you are feeling many feelings at the same time. Some of these feelings may be in conflict with each other, and you may be torn about what to do. When confused, you must separate each feeling and examine it carefully. What is each feeling telling you to do? What is the most rational thing to do? Feel your feelings to heal depression and other issues is a great idea. But how do you do it?

First, when you have a feeling, you must decide how to act. The feeling is motivating you to take action. Feelings need to flow naturally and spontaneously into adaptive action. The actions must be appropriate to the situation. To always fight when you are angry is not appropriate. Most of the time, it is necessary to stop and think before you act. You want to use your feelings. When you are having an intense feeling, always ask yourself two questions:

  1. What is the best thing I can do for myself?
  2. What is the best thing I can do for others?

Keep it simple! impulses tend to make us overthink and over-react. Feel your feelings to heal depression and the way you behave. In this way, better consequences are sure to start manifesting. For the most part, you must practice thinking and planning before you act. Plan carefully how you are going to act when you have each feeling and practice this action until it flows naturally.

Your feelings are important. They are great and wise counselors that need to be listened to. You do not need to hide from your feelings. You need to listen and learn.

Guidelines for Expressing Feelings: Practice this when you can in your social engagements at work, in relationships or at home. They are practical and simple keys that help you feel your feelings to heal depression.

Try to be specific rather than general about how you feel. Consistently using only one or two words to say how you are feeling, such as bad or upset, is too vague and general. What kind of bad or upset? (Irritated, mad, anxious, afraid, sad, hurt, lonely, etc.).
Specify the degree of the feelings, and you will reduce the chances of being misunderstood. For example, some people may think when you say, “I am angry” means you are extremely angry when you actually mean a “little irritated”. You can’t really be a little bit of anything, you either are or you are not. So look for the right word to express the right emotion.
When expressing anger or irritation, first describe the specific behavior you don’t like, then your feelings. This helps to prevent the other person from becoming immediately defensive or intimidated when they first hear “I am angry with you”, and they could miss the message.
If you have mixed feelings, say so, and express each feeling and explain what each feeling is about. For example: “I have mixed feelings about what you just did. I am glad and thankful that you helped me, but I didn’t like the comment about being stupid. It was disrespectful and unnecessary and I found it irritating”.

Common Communication of feelings errors: 

Not expressing a feeling at all, expressing a belief or judgment.


Sending a disguised “You” message instead of ownership with an “I” statement. Ask friends and peers to point this out to you. This will help you take responsibility for the feelings and to be more direct with your feelings.  

Don’t make self improvement and self love rocket science. We get depressed from overthinking, from thinking errors, from panic and feelings of fatigue, stress and a sense of being trapped. This sends the best of us into survival mode. Being, thinking and acting like a caged tiger wont bring out the best in you, and in turn any great responses from other people.

Feel your feelings to heal depression and you can slowly begin to change the way you think and of course behave.

For more information on how to feel your feelings to heal depression call +27824424779 or email sanctuaryplett@gmail.com


Published by Mark L Lockwood

Mark L Lockwood (BA)(Hons)(psy) teaches spiritual transformation and is the founder of Contemplative Intelligence. Author of The Power of Contemplative Intelligence, Autotherapy and Recovery Magic. Our work is about the science of finding your spiritual self.

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